Dark Grain 7″ Damascus Steel Nakiri Knife 菜切り包丁 7″ Nakiri Knife

Det ursprungliga priset var: 87,99 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 69,99 kr.

  Dark Grain 7″ Damascus Steel Nakiri Knife  菜切り包丁 The F.YOUNG Damascus Steel collection by Shimeru are hand forged from a high quality (M/V) stainless steel that is very sharp and easy to resaharpen with a Shimeru sharpening stone. The knives are made by a commercial knife maker in Japan that only supplies large retailers and Department stores in Japan. Blending a high quality Damascus Steel blade with ergonomic Olivewood Handle. Ruthlessly sharp, scalpel-like edge is hand finished to a mirror polish within a staggering 8-12° degree angle. Is made using a blend of traditional hand made techniques and modern processes to achieve exacting standards expected by Japanese consumers and will compare to any Western made knife at even twice the price. The F.YOUNG finish reduces the adhesion of sticky foods by breaking the vacuum between a smooth surface of the blade and the food being cut. A comfortable, well balanced knife which enahnces the look of any kitched aswell as the functionality.

